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 Welcome to the Official Moe-Joe Cell©© Website

Home of the Improved Spherical Joe Cell

"Got my Moe-Joe Working!"

"The spherical cells are far superior to the concentric cylindrical type cells."

Alex Schiffer, author of "The Experimenter's Guide to the Joe Cell"


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Moe Joe cell exploded view animated gif

In the world of the Joe-Cell technology and water fuel technologies, for those interested in a more powerful design, smaller, less expensive form of the Joe-Cell, you've come to the right place.

Here you'll find all you need to get your own Moe-Joe working! We have various kits to suit your needs - Fully prepared Moe-Joe kits including stainless steel spheres, cut-measure spacers, stainless steel bolts, nuts and threaded rods! Click here for complete Moe-Joe Cell kits.

We also help you get your Moe-Joe working with instructional videos and diagrams.

What is the Moe-Joe cell?

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Moe Joe Cell Accessories: Bismuth Cores, transfer tubes, aluminum connectors

Bismuth Ball in centre of Cell

Bismuth core: For enhanced orgone production and healing properties

Moe-Joe Cell Kits for Car and Water Charging

Moe-Joe Cell Polished hemispheres

Moe Joe Cell Kits


From Alex Schiffer's Update 23 to The Experimenter's Guide to the Joe Cell:

"I agree with Moshe that the spherical cell is superior. However, as the ‘energy point’ is central to the inner sphere a method has to be found to extract this focal point for car use. As such (for car use) it remains to be seen if it is superior to a Joe cell. Moshe, I wish you a speedy and positive outcome."

Thank you Alex. At Moe-Joe Working, we're working on a solution for car implementation. Click on more to be brough to the "How to Run the Moe-Joe cell with the Car"


See instructional videos, diagrams, and suggestions on: Videos on How to Build the Moe-Joe Cell


● Moe-Joe Cell assembly

● Frequently asked questions

● Power supply ideas, helpful hints

● Polishing suggestions

● Theory and philosophy of the Moe-Joe and Joe cell technologies.




All Contents Collective Copyright ©© 2003-2010 Moshe Daniel Block, N.D.

All rights reserved.